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    Why blue roofs could be the answer for flood plain development

    July 2024


The new UK government's ambitious plan to build hundreds of thousands of new homes is a positive step towards addressing the housing crisis. However, with many of these homes likely to be constructed on flood plains, there is a crucial question - how can we ensure the safety and sustainability of these new communities in the face of increasing flood risks, writes Justin Pitman, sales director, Proteus Waterproofing?

We believe the answer lies in a simple yet powerful solution - blue roofs – and we would call on this new Government to advocate for a mandate or legislation requiring all new buildings on flood plains to incorporate this innovative technology.
Blue roofs not only protect buildings but also act as a natural sponge, absorbing and delaying rainwater runoff.  These roofs typically consist of a waterproofing layer topped with a specially designed drainage system and a storage medium. This medium can be a lightweight planting system, a prefabricated tray filled with a water-absorbing material or even a combination of both. 

During heavy rainfall, the blue roof captures and stores rainwater, preventing it from overwhelming drainage systems and contributing to floods. The stored water is then slowly released over time, mimicking natural drainage patterns. So, why are blue roofs the perfect fit for flood plain development? 

The primary benefit of blue roofs is their ability to significantly reduce flood risk. By capturing and storing rainwater, blue roofs lessen the burden on traditional drainage systems and waterways during heavy downpours. This helps to prevent flash floods and reduces the peak water flow in rivers, protecting communities downstream.

Blue roofs act as natural filters, removing pollutants and debris from rainwater before it enters the water system. This helps to maintain clean water supplies and protects aquatic ecosystems.

Another advantage is the reduced urban heat island effect. Traditional roofs tend to absorb and radiate heat, contributing to the overall temperature. Blue roofs, especially those incorporating vegetation, have a cooling effect, lowering ambient temperatures and creating a more comfortable environment.

Furthermore, blue/green roofs provide a habitat for pollinators like bees and butterflies, promoting biodiversity in urban areas. They also provide additional insulation, reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling buildings.
The Dangers of Ignoring Blue Roofs

All this means that the consequences of neglecting blue roof technology in flood plain development are potentially devastating. Without the mitigating effect of blue roofs, the risk of flooding will undoubtedly rise, putting lives, property and infrastructure at risk.
Traditional drainage systems will be overwhelmed by increased water runoff, leading to costly upgrades and maintenance. Increased flooding can also lead to soil erosion, contamination of water bodies and damage to natural habitats.

That said, the concept of blue roofs is not new and is gaining traction worldwide – another reason while action is needed now in the UK. Germany is a leading advocate for blue roofs and has implemented policies mandating their installation on new buildings in many regions.

Singapore has numerous blue roofs on public buildings, showcasing their commitment to sustainable urban development. Even the city of Chicago has implemented a programme offering incentives for property owners to install blue roofs, demonstrating the economic benefits of this technology.

Mandate blue roofs for flood plain development

So, we can see that the UK government's housing initiative presents a unique opportunity to set a global standard for sustainable and flood-resilient development. By mandating the installation of blue roofs on new buildings in flood plains, it can demonstrate that it is protecting lives and property.

Mitigating flood risk is paramount to ensuring the safety of new communities, with the bonus of several environmental benefits. As already discussed, blue roofs contribute to cleaner water, reduced urban heat and increased biodiversity.
However - and much more importantly - by preventing floods and protecting infrastructure, blue roofs offer significant cost savings in the long run. Furthermore, we will be fostering innovation by introducing new legislation. A blue roof mandate, for example, will stimulate the development and adoption of innovative blue roof technologies, positioning the UK as a leader in sustainable construction.

What are the challenges?

While the benefits of blue roofs on flood plains are clear, some challenges and concerns might arise when implementing such a policy. The upfront cost of installing a blue roof might be slightly higher than a traditional roof and this might deter some people. However, government incentives, such as tax breaks and long-term savings on flood prevention and energy bills, would significantly offset these costs. Additionally, with increased demand, blue roof technology will likely become more affordable.

Like any building element, blue roofs also require regular maintenance. However, these needs are relatively simple and can be incorporated into existing building maintenance routines. Companies like ours offer comprehensive blue roof maintenance services, ensuring their continued functionality.

All this means is that we, at Proteus Waterproofing, are committed to supporting the implementation of a blue roof mandate and fostering sustainable flood plain development – and here is how companies like ours can contribute to the debate and advise Government.

We possess extensive experience in waterproofing technologies and are constantly exploring advancements in blue roof design and materials. We also offer comprehensive consultations to architects, engineers and developers, guiding them through the blue roof design and implementation process.

With this kind of expertise, we are prepared to actively engage with policymakers and the construction industry to promote the benefits of blue roofs and advocate for their wider adoption.

By working together, we can create a win-win situation for everyone involved. The government achieves its housing goals while ensuring safety and sustainability. Developers gain access to innovative technology that can enhance property value - and most importantly, communities on flood plains benefit from increased protection against floods, leading to a more resilient and environmentally conscious future.

Going forward, housing development in the UK, particularly on flood plains, hinges on embracing innovative solutions like blue roofs. At Proteus Waterproofing, we stand ready to support the implementation of a blue roof mandate, providing our expertise and advanced waterproofing solutions. By working together, we can ensure that new communities not only thrive but also weather the storms.

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